
Artículos científicos


Limitations for tungsten as plasma facing material in the diverse scenarios of the European inertial confinement fusion facility HiPER: Current status and new approaches, 

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, A. Rivera, J.M. Perlado, 

Matter and Radiation at Extremes., 5 (2020) 055201.

Corrosion behavior of diverse sputtered coatings for the helium cooled pebbles bed (HCPB) breeder concep

M.T. Hernández, F.J. Sánchez, A. Moroño, E. León-Gutiérrez, M. Panizo-Laiz, M.A. Monclus, R. González-Arrabal

Nuclear Materials and Energy, 25 (2020) 100795.


Controlled alloying of Au@Ag core-shell nanorods induced by femtosecond laser irradiation, G. González‐Rubio, P. Díaz‐Núñez, W. Albrecht, V. Manzaneda‐González, L. Bañares, A. Rivera, L.M. Liz‐Marzán, O. Peña‐Rodríguez, S. Bals, A. Guerrero‐Martínez, Adv. Opt. Mater. (2021) 2002134.



Nanoscale analysis of ion irradiated ODS 14YWT ferritic alloy

M.A. Auger, D.T. Hoelzer, K.G. Field, M.P. Moody

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 528 (2020) 151852



Characterization of open volume defects in FeCr and ODS FeCr alloys after He+ and Fe+ ion irradiations

M. Scepanovic, V. de Castro, I. García-Cortés, F.J. Sánchez, T. Gigl, C. Hugenschmidt, T. Leguey       

Journal of Nuclear Materials 538 (2020) 152230


Characterisation of Open Volume Defects in Fe-Cr and ODS Fe-Cr Alloys after He+ and Fe+ Ion Irradiations

M. cepanovi, V. de Castro, I. García-Cortés, F.J. Sánchez, T. Gigl, C. Hugenschmidt, T. Leguey

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 538 (2020) 152230


D1SUNED system for the determination of decay photon related quantities

P. Sauvan, R. Juarez, G. Pedroche, J. Alguacil, J.P. Catalan, F. Ogando, J. Sanz

Fus. Eng. Des., 151 (2020) 111399  


Impact of the flowing activated water on maintenance and electronic functioning for the pre­conceptual design of the European DEMO fusion reactor

Iole Palermo, Mauricio García, Christian Bachmann, Sergio Ciattaglia, Ulrich Fischer, Curt Gliss

Fusion Engineering and Design, 153 (2020) 111499



Preliminary design of the HEBT of IFMIF DONES

O. Nomen, D. Sanchez-Herranz, C. Oliver, I. Podadera, R. Varela, F. Ogando, V. Hauer, F. Arranz, S. Coloma, R. Heidinger, H. Dzitko

Fus. Eng. Des., 153 (2020) 111515                


Design and configurations for the Shielding of the Beam Dump of IFMIF DONES             

D. Sanchez-Herranz, P. Ortego, O. Nomen, B. Branas, F. Ogando, P. Sauvan, F. Arranz,  S. Coloma 

Fus. Eng. Des.  153 (2020) 111475                


Atmospheric activation in the IFMIF-DONES accelerator systems

L. Estevez-Nunez, F. Ogando, F. Martin-Fuertes

Fus. Eng. Des., 154 (2020) 111540  


Conceptual design of a ceramic breeding blanket for laser fusion power plants with online tunable tritium breeding ratio based on a variable neutron reflector: Remarkable no need of isotopic enrichment

A. Fierro, F. Sordo, I.A. Carbajal-Ramos, J.M. Perlado, A. Rivera

Fusion Engineering and Design, 155 (2020)


Estimation of radiation conditions in the ITER electron cyclotron upper launcher with state­of­the­art simulation techniques

Pampin R., Casal N., Fabbri M., Gagliardi M., Laghi D., Sauvan P

Fusion Engineering and Design , 157 (2020) 111682



Formation of Hollow Gold Nanocrystals by Nanosecond Laser Irradiation

G. González-Rubio, T. Milagres de Oliveira, W. Albrecht, P. Díaz-Núñez, J.C. Castro-Palacio, A. Prada, R.I. González, L. Scarabelli, L. Bañares, A. Rivera,  L.M.Liz-Marzán, O. Peña-Rodríguez, S. Bals, A. Guerrero-Martínez

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11 (3) (2020) 670–677


Hollow gold nanoparticles produced by femtosecond laser irradiation

J.C. Castro-Palacio, K. Ladutenko, A. Prada, G. González-Rubio, P. Díaz-Núñez, A. Guerrero-Martínez, P. Fernández de Córdoba, J. Kohanoff, J.M. Perlado, O. Peña-Rodríguez, A. Rivera

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11 (2020) 5108–5114


Low loss optical waveguides fabricated in LiTaO3 by swift heavy ion irradiation

V. Tormo-Márquez, M. Díaz-Hijar, M. Carrascosa, V. Ya. Shur and J. OlivareS

Optics Express, 27(6) (2019) 8696-8708          


Mechanical properties and stability of precipitates of an ODS steel after thermal cycling and aging     

M. Oñoro, J. Macías-Delgado, M. A. Auger, V. de Castro, T. Leguey

Nuclear Materials and Energy, (2020) 100758                          


Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot rolled ODS copper

A. Muñoz, B. Savoini, M.A. Monge, M. Eddahbi, O.J. Durab

Nuclear Materials and Energy, 24 (2020) 100745


Sequential ion irradiations on Fe­Cr and ODS Fe­Cr alloys

M. Šcepanovic, T. Leguey, I. García­Cortés, F.J. Sánchez, C. Hugenschmidt, M. A. Auger, V. de Castro

Nuclear Materials and Energy (año de publicación: 2020)


Au@Ag core­shell nanorods support plasmonic Fano resonances

O. Peña­Rodríguez, P. Díaz­Núñez, G. González­Rubio, V. Manzaneda­González, A. Rivera, J.M. Perlado, E. Junquera, A. Guerrero­Martínez

Sci. Rep. 10 (2020) 5921



Highly porous tungsten for plasma facing applications in nuclear fusion power plants: a computational analysis of hollow nanoparticles

Pablo Díaz­Rodríguez, Francisco Munoz, José Rogan, Ignacio Martín­Bragado, J.M. Perlado, Ovidio Peña­Rodríguez, Antonio Rivera and Felipe J. Valencia



Challenges for Coolants in Fast Neutron Spectrum Systems Autor: M. García, J. P. Catalán, R. García, J. Sanz

IAEA­TEC­DOC series 1912; Development of methodology to determine PbLi activation in DEMO breeding blankets pág.: 8, 2020­for­coolants­in­fast­neutron­spectrum­systems


Influence of 1 and 5 wt.% TiC additions on the oxidation behaviour of pure tungsten Pablo Pérez, Miguel A. Monge, Ángel Muñoz, Paloma Adeva

Aceptado para su publicación en Nuclear Materials and Energy. 2020



Corrosion protective action of different coatings for the helium cooled pebble bed breeder concept.

T. Hernández, F.J. Sánchez, F. Di Fonzo, M. Vanazzi, M. Panizo, R. González-Arrabal

Journal of Nuclear Materials,              516 (2019) 160-168


Study of damage in binary Fe85Cr15 alloys irradiated by ions and the effect of an external magnetic field during irradiation     

I. García-Cortés, T. Leguey, F.J. Sánchez, A. Maira, A. Moroño, P. Muñoz, M. Scepanovic, J.F. Marco

Journal of Nuclear Materials 517 (2019) 138-147


Processing, microstructure and mechanical characterization of dispersion strengthened Cu-1%Y

G. Carro, A. Muñoz, B. Savoini, M.A. Monge, R. Pareja

Fusion Engineering and Design, 138 (2019) 321-331              https://10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.11.058


Stray millimeter­wave radiation loads on ITER fused silica windows

Cucè, M. Nobili, A. Lazzari, R. Vila, A. Sirinelli, P. Maquet

Fusion Engineering and Design, 146 (2019) 308­311


The CIEMAT LiPb Loop Permeation Experiment

B. Garcinuño, D. Rapisarda, I. Fernández­Berceruelo, E. Carella, J. Sanz

Fusion Engineering and Design, 146 (2019) 1228­1232



Methodology for Remote Handling Operations in IFMIF-DONES

S. Coloma, M. Ferre, J.M. Cogollor, G. Miccichè.                    

Fusion Engineering and Design, 146 (2019) 1334-1337


Mechanical properties and microstructure of W/CuY and W/CuCrZr composites produced by hot isostatic pressing

M. Eddahabi, A. Muñoz, B. Savoini, M.A. Monge

Fusion Engineering and Design, 146 (2019)  1829-1833


Uncertainty propagation from neutron flux to decay gamma source in R2S methodology

J. Alguacil, P. Sauvan, J.P. Catalan, J. Sanz

Fus. Eng. Des., 146 (2019) 111399                 


Design, mechanical analysis and manufacturing of the IFMIF LIPAc beam dump shielding

O. Nomen, B. Branas, F. Arranz, F. Ogando, J. Castellanos, J. Balerdi

Fus. Eng. Des., 149 (2019) 111329  


Shielding proposal to mitigate the PFC #2 heating due to 16N decay photon radiation from the activated cooling water

A. Kolsek, F. Ogando, R. Pampin, A.J. López­Revelles, J. Sanz, R. Juarez,

Fusion Engineering and Design, 148 (2019) 111298


Reducing the conservatism of the time domain passivity approach through consideration of energy reflection in delayed coupled network systems

M. Panzirsch, J.-H. Ryu, M. Ferre.

Mechatronics,              58 (2019) 58-69


Integration of Safety in IFMIF-DONES Design

F. Martin-Fuertes, M.E. Garcia, P. Fernandez, A. Cortes, G. D'Ovidio, E. Fernandez, T. Pinna, M.T. Porfiri, U. Fischer, F. Ogando, F. Mota, Y.F. Qiu, A. Helminen, S. Potempski, E. Gallego, A. Ibarra

Safety, 5 (4) (2019) 74                      


Evaluating indoor positioning systems in a shopping mall: The lessons learned from the IPIN 2018 competition

V. Renaudin et al        

IEEE Access, 7 (2019)  148594-148628


Energy-Efficient Indoor Localization WiFi-Fingerprint System: An Experimental Study

J.L. Salazar González, L.M. Soria Morillo, J. Alvarez-García, F. Enríquez De Salamanca Ros, A. R Jiménez Ruiz                   

IEEE Access, 7 (2019) 162664-162682


Nuclear analysis of the ITER Torus Cryopumps

G. Pedroche, A.J. Lopez­Revelles, A. Kolsek, M. Dremel, G. Bansal, R. Pierce, J. Sanz, R. Juarez

Nuclear Fusion, 59 (2019) 10             


Experimental and computational studies of the influence of grain boundaries and temperature on the radiation-induced damage and hydrogen behavior in tungsten

M. Panizo-Laiz, P. Díaz-Rodríguez, A. Rivera, G. Valles, I. Martín-Bragado, J.M. Perlado, F. Munnik and R. González-Arrabal

Nucl. Fusion, 59 (2019) 86055                                                       


Multiphysics approach to plasma neutron source modelling at the JET tokamak

Stancar Z.; Gorelenkova M.; Conroy S.; Sauvan P.; Buchanan J.; Weisen H.; Snoj L

Nuclear Fusion, 59 (2019) 96020



Pedestal microdiscs in potassium yttrium double tungstate

S.M. Martinussen, R.N. Frentrop, M. Dijkstra, F. Segerink, V. Tormo-Márquez, J. Olivares, S. García-Blanco

Optical Material Express, 9(8) (2019) 3371-3378                                  


In-depth structural analysis of swift heavy ion irradiation in KY(WO4)(2) for the fabrication of planar optical waveguide

R. Frentrop, I. Subbotin, F. Segerink, R. Keim, V. Tormo-Marquez, J. Olivares, K. Shcherbachev, S. Yakunin, I. Makhotkin, S. Garcia-Blanco.                        

OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRES, 9(12) (2019) 4796 – 4810                                   


Post-irradiation analysis at the nanoscale of 14YWT after neutron irradiation (16.6 dpa) at 386ºC and 412ºC

M.A. Auger, D.T. Hoelzer

American Nuclear Society, 120(1) (2019) 356-358                


Atom probe tomography of carbides in Fe-Cr-(W)-C steels            

A.R.M. Gramlich, M.A. Auger, A. Schneider, M.P. Moody

Steel Research International, 90(8) (2019) 1900107                   


Monocular Robust Depth Estimation Vision System for Robotic Tasks Interventions in Metallic Targets

Veiga Almagro, C., Di Castro, M., Lunghi, G., Marín Prades, R., Sanz Valero, P. J., Pérez, M. F., & Masi, A



Ion Beam Experiments to Emulate Nuclear Fusion Environment on Structural Materials at CMAM

Marcelo Roldán, Patricia Galán, Fernando José Sánchez, Isabel García­Cortés, David Jiménez­Rey and Pilar Fernández

Ion Beam Techniques and Applications, 2019­beam­experiments­to­emulate­nuclear­fusion­environment­on­structural­materials­at­cmam



  • TechnoFusión. National Centre for Fusion Technologies. Scientific-Technical Report. Sept 2009.
    Editorial: CIEMAT
    ISBN: 978-84-7834-628-8
    NIPO: 471-09-056-6

Contribuciones a Congresos


1.The TechnoFusion Consortium of Spanish institutions and facilities towards the development of fusion materials and related technologies in Europe, M. González, R. Román, L. Bañares, M. Ferre, B. Galiana, G. García, R. González-Arrabal, A. Ibarra, M.A. Monge, J. Olivares, J.M. Perlado, D. Rapisarda, F. Sánchez, J. Sanz, F. Seco and R. Vila. International Conference of Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM20), 25-29 Octubre 2021. Online event. Oral contribution

2.Development of anticorrosion coatings to work under liquid metals enviroments, R. González-Arrabal, M. Monclús, and J. M. Perlado. IV Workshop on Modeling and Simulation for Science and Engineering. Medellín (Colombia), 3-4 de junio de 2021. Online event. Oral
EU-830-11: W(90%)-D(10%)/Mo substrate, thickness ~4 µm

EU-850-2: W(45%)-Al(45%)-D(10%)/Mo, thickness ~6 µm

EU2-009-11: W(90%)-Ta(5%)-D(5%), thickness ~3 µm

EU2-17-5: W(90%)-Ne(5%)-D(5%)/Mo marker/W substrate, thickness ~2.8+0.9 µm

EU2-19-6: W(90%)-N(5%)-D(5%)/Mo/W, thickness ~4+1 µm

WFW722: porous W(90%)-O(5%)-D(5%)/Mo, thickness ~1 µm


1.The TechnoFusion Consortium of Spanish institutions and facilities towards the development of fusion materials and related technologies in Europe, M. González, R. Román, L. Bañares, M. Ferre, B. Galiana, G. García, R. González-Arrabal, A. Ibarra, M.A. Monge, J. Olivares, J.M. Perlado, D. Rapisarda, F. Sánchez, J. Sanz, F. Seco and R. Vila. International Conference of Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM20), 25-29 Octubre 2021. Online event. Oral contribution
2.Development of anticorrosion coatings to work under liquid metals enviroments, R. González-Arrabal, M. Monclús, and J. M. Perlado. IV Workshop on Modeling and Simulation for Science and Engineering. Medellín (Colombia), 3-4 de junio de 2021. Online event. Oral


Mejora de la precisión del sistema de localización UWB-MDEK1001 de Decawave, mediante su configuración para medir múltiples rangos

Antonio R. Jiménez y F. Seco

Oral presentation

Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI 2020)


Posicionamiento preciso de teléfonos móviles con señales GNSS crudas

F. Seco, A. R. Jiménez y F. Álvarez     

Oral presentation

Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI 2020)  


J. M. Perlado, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, O. Peña-Rodriguez, A. Rivera, J. Sanz

Invited Conference     Hooke Lectures

Discussion Meeting Prospect for high gain inertial fusion energy, Londres, UK. 2020



Irradiation of Optical Purposes Material in BRR

Szenthe Ildikó, Gillemot Ferenc, Vila Rafael

Poster contribution

14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungría. 22-27 Septiembre, 2019


Advances in Radiation Hardness Testing of Optical Windows for DEMO

Dario Cruz and Rafael Vila

Poster contribution

14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungría. 22-27 Septiembre, 2019


Integration of DEMO hazard piping into the tokamak building

Curt Gliss, Christian Bachmann, Sergio Ciattaglia, Ivo Moscato, Maco Utili, Iole Palermo, Franz Riedl, Mauricio Garcia, Michael Koerber, Gianfranco Federici

Poster contribution

14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungría. 22-27 Septiembre, 2019


Development of an on­line sensor for hydrogen isotopes monitoring in flowing lithium at DONES

B. Garcinuño, D. Rapisarda, F. R. Urgorri, J. Herranz, M. Malo, J. Molla, A. Ibarra

Poster contribution

14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungría. 22-27 Septiembre, 2019


Atmospheric activation in the IFMIF-DONES accelerator systems

L. Estevez-Nunez, F. Ogando, F. Martin-Fuertes

Poster  contribution

14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungría. 22-27 Septiembre, 2019


Preliminary design of the HEBT of IFMIF DONES

O. Nomen, D. Sanchez-Herranz, C. Oliver, I. Podadera, R. Varela, F. Ogando, V. Hauer, F. Arranz, S. Coloma, R. Heidinger, H. Dzitko                      

Poster  contribution

14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungría. 22-27 Septiembre, 2019


Design and configurations for the Shielding of the Beam Dump of IFMIF DONES

Sanchez-Herranz, D; Ortego, P; Nomen, O; Branas, B ; Ogando, F ; Sauvan, P; Arranz, F ; Coloma, S 

Poster  contribution

14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungría. 22-27 Septiembre, 2019


D1SUNED system for the determination of decay photon related quantities

Sauvan, P; Juarez, R; Pedroche, G; Alguacil, J ; Catalan, JP; Ogando, F.; Sanz, J

Poster  contribution

14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-14), Budapest, Hungría. 22-27 Septiembre, 2019


Microstructure and mechanical properties of a novel copper composite reinforced by nanometric vanadium carbide particles

M. Eddahbi M.A. Monge R. Domínguez-Reyes A. Muñoz B. Savoini

Oral presentation

ICFRM 19, La Jolla, California, USA. 27 Octubre-1 Noviembre, 2019


Thermal stability of hot cross rolled ODs ferritic steels

J. Macías, M. Oñoro*, V. de Castro, M.A. Auger, T. Leguey 

Poster  contribution

19th International Conference for Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19)   La Jolla, California, USA.  27/10 al 1/11/2019.


Microstructural and Mechanical Investigation of Fe+ Ion vs Neutron Damage in Ferritic-Martensitic Steels for first-of-a-kind Fusion Reactors

T.P. Davis*, M.P. Moody, P.A.J. Bagot, M.A. Auger, D.E.J. Armstrong

Poster  contribution

19th International Conference for Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19)   La Jolla, California, USA.  27/10 al 1/11/2019   


Influence of 1 and 5 wt.% TiC additions on the oxidation behaviour of pure tungsten

Pablo Pérez, Miguel A. Monge, Ángel Muñoz, Paloma Adeva         

Poster  contribution

19th International Conference for Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19),  La Jolla, California, USA.  27/10 al 1/11/2019.


Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot rolled ODS copper

A.Muñoz, B.Savoini, M.A.Monge, M.Eddahbi, O.J.Durab   

Poster  contribution

19th International Conference for Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19),  La Jolla, California, USA.  27/10 al 1/11/2019


Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot rolled ODS copper composite reinforced by nanometric vanadium carbide particles

M.Eddahbi, M.A.Monge, R.Dominguez-Reyes, A.Muñoz, B.Savoini            

Poster  contribution

19th International Conference for Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19),  La Jolla, California, USA.  27/10 al 1/11/2019.


A Multidimensional RSSI Based Framework for Autonomous Relay Robots in Harsh Environments

Di Castro, M., Lunghi, G., Masi, A., Ferre, M., & Prades, R. M.                                      

Oral presentation

Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC). 2019


Multisensor low-cost system for real time human detection and remote respiration monitoring

Ivanovs, A., Nikitenko, A., Di Castro, M., Torims, T., Masi, A., & Ferre, M.

Oral presentation

Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC). 2019                 


Tools for smartphone multi-sensor data registration and GT mapping for positioning applications

A. R. Jiménez, F. Seco y J. Torres-Sospedra   

Oral presentation

International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Pisa, Italia. 30 Sept-3Octubre, 2019


Indoor Positioning in Large Environments: Ultrasonic and UWB Technologies

D. Gualda, J. M. Villadangos, J. Ureña, A. R. Jiménez, F. Seco y Á. Hernández             

Oral presentation

International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Pisa, Italia. 30 Sept-3Octubre, 2019


Multi-Platform Architecture for Cooperative Pedestrian Navigation Applications  

P. Peltola, A. R. Jiménez, R. Montasari, R. Hill y F. Seco       

Oral presentation

International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Pisa, Italia. 30 Sept-3Octubre, 2019


Novel developments for ion irradiation: large area heavy ion irradiation at atmospheric pressure with tunable energy/stopping and irradiations in synergy with pulsed laser.

P. Díaz-Núñez, C. Gutiérrez-Neira, P. Galán, O. Peña-Rodríguez, and J. Olivares.          

Oral presentation       

Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI), Astana, Kazakhstan. 19-23Agosto, 2019


Fabrication, characterization, testing and modelling of new advanced materials for inertial fusion reactors

Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, Antonio Rivera, Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez, Miguel Panizo-Laiz, Pablo Diaz-Rodriguez and José Manuel Perlado

Invited conference

5th Internatinal Meeting for Research in Materials and Plasma technology- IMRMPT, Cucuta, Colombia, 28-31 mayo, 2019


Using high electronic excitation to modify plasmonic nanostructures     

Ovidio Peña Rodríguez, Guillermo González Rubio, Pablo Díaz Núñez, Alejandro Prada, Andrés Guerrero Martínez, Luis Bañares, Luis M. Liz Marzán, Raquel González Arrabal, Antonio Rivera de Mena           

Invited Conference    

5th International Meeting for Researchers in Materials and Plasma Technology (5th IMRMPT), Cúcuta, Colombia, 2019                          


New proposals for plasma facing materials in nuclear fusion reactors

Miguel Panizo-Laiz, Pablo Díaz-Rodríguez, Antonio Rivera, Gonzalo Valles, José Manuel Perlado and Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal

Poster  contribution

Women in Nuclear. Madrid, Spain 17-21 June, 2019


Tritium transport in DEMO­oriented neutron source

Sebastian Hendricks

Oral presentation

TRANSAT workshop on Tritium Transport Modelling 2019, Madrid, Spain.


Numerical and experimental investigation of yttrium metal as a getter material for the hydrogen hot trap of IFMIF/DONES

Sebastian Hendricks

Oral presentation

TRANSAT Tritium School 2019, Ljubljana, Eslovenia.


Electronic excitation studies

A. Rivera, O. Peña-Rodríguez, P. Diaz-Núñez, A. Prada, G. González-Rubio, J. González-Izquierdo, J.M. Perlado, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, L. Ba¤ares, J. Olivares, A. Guerrero-Martínez          

Oral presentation

Reunión Española de "Modelado, caracterización y desarrollo de aleaciones metálicas para aplicaciones nucleares"         Madrid, Spain 27 y 28 febrero, 2019


Simulation of radiation-induced damage evolution in plasma facing materials: tungsten in nuclear fusion applications

P. Díaz-Rodríguez, C. González, R. González-Arrabal, C.L. Guerrero, R. Iglesias, I. Martín-Bragado, M. Panizo-Laiz, O. Peña-Rodríguez, J.M.Perlado, A. Rivera, G. Valles

Oral presentation

Reunión Española de "Modelado, caracterización y desarrollo de aleaciones metálicas para aplicaciones nucleares"         Madrid, Spain 27 y 28 febrero, 2019


W as Plasma Facing Material. Current status and new approaches

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Panizo-Laiz, A. Rivera, P. Diaz-Rodriguez, O. Peña-Rodríguez and J. M. Perlado.

Oral presentation

11th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA 2019), Osaka, Japon. 22-29 septiembre, 2019


DFT assessment of the combined behaviour of hydrogen and helium impurities in a tungsten grain boundary

César González, María Ángeles Cerdeira, Raquel González-Arrabal, Antonio Rivera, José Manuel Perlado, Roberto Iglesias         

Oral presentation

European Congress and Exhibition on advanced materials and processes (EUROMAT 2019), Stockholm, Sweden. 1-5 septiembre , 2019.      


Using femtosecond laser pulses to control the assembly and welding of plasmonic nanostructures

Ovidio Peña Rodríguez, Guillermo González Rubio, Pablo Díaz Núñez, Antonio Rivera de Mena, Luis Bañares, Luis M. Liz Marzán, Andrés Guerrero Martínez         

Invited Conference    

10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019),        Lisboa, Portugal. 2019


Atom Probe Tomography analysis of dual ion beam irradiated ODS steel             

M. Scepanovic, M.A. Auger, T. Leguey, J. Macías, V. de Castro        

Poster  contribution

19th International Conference for Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19),  La Jolla, California, USA.  27/10 al 1/11/2019    .


Nanoscale analysis of neutron irradiated ODS 14YWT ferritic alloy                        

M.A. Auger, D.T. Hoelzer, K.G. Field, M.P. Moody   

Oral presentation       

E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting, Niza, Francia. 2019    


Analysis of neutron irradiated ODS 14YWT ferritic alloy

M.A. Auger, D.T. Hoelzer        

Oral presentation       

ANS 2019: Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 2019


Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Microstructure of the ODS 14YWT Ferritic Alloy

D.T. Hoelzer, M.A. Auger, M.P. Moody, P.D. Edmondson, K.G. Field           

Oral presentation       

2019 MiNES Materials In Nuclear Energy Systems,  Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2019



New methodology to improve Execution, Efficiency and Safety in Remote Maintenance Tasks

Coloma, S., Ferre, M., Cogollor, J. M., & MiccichË, G.

Poster  contribution

30th edition of the Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2018). 2018

Tesis de Doctorado, Tesis de Master, Proyectos Fin de Carrera

Tesis de Doctorado

Advance Remote Handling techniques for radiation environments. Defendida por Sofía Coloma Chacón y dirigida por Dr. Manuel Ferre Pérez, 2020.


Mejora del diseño de un sistema de medida de transmisión óptica durante irradiación gammaDefendida por Dña. Angela Gómez Manzanares y dirigida por Rafael Vila (CIEMAT), Ana Manzanares Ituarte (UCM). 2020


Diseño e implementación de un sistema de posicionamiento local y de algoritmos robustos de posicionamientoDefendida por José Carlos Prieto Honorato en el Departamento de Electrónica, Universidad de Alcalá. Dirección de Dr. Antonio Ramón Jiménez. 2019


Methodological advances in the analysis of Shutdown Dose Rate and shielding design proposals to mitigate it in ITER Diagnostic Port Interspaces. Defendida por D. Aljaz Kolsek. Dirección de Javier Sanz, y Rafael Juarez. 2019


Microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de aceros de activación reducida endurecidos mediante dispersión de óxidos. Defendida por D. Julio Macías Delgado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Dirección de Dra. V. de Castro. 2019


Efectos de la irradiación con iones en aceros endurecidos mediante dispersión de óxidos para reactores de fusión. Defendida por Dña. Masa Scepanovic en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Dirección de Dra. T. Leguey. 2019


Irradiación con iones pesados a altas energías en LiTaO3: guías de onda ópticas y sinergia de daño nuclear y electrónico. Defendida por Dña. Victoria Tormo Márquez en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Dirigida por Dr. José Olivares Villegas. 2019. 


Propiedades opticas de nanovarillas y nanocolumnas de oro: Efectos de la irradiación con pulsos láser y análisi del campo cercanoDefendida por D. Pablo Díaz Nuñez. Dirigida por Dr. Ovidio Peña (IFN-GV/UPM) y Dr. Luis Bañares Morcillo (UCM). 2019  


A novel robotic framework for safe inspection and telemanipulation in hazardous and unstructured environments. Defendida por D. Mario Di Castro. Dirigida por Manuel Ferre Pérez y Alessandro Massi. 2019             


Tesis de Máster

A comparison between Unstructured and Cell­under­Voxel Mesh tallies for the calculation of neutron heating in fusion neutronics analysis. Presentada por Marco De Pietri, bajo la dirección de Prof.Dr.Javier Sanz, Dr.Rafael Juarez. 2019


Automatización en la generación y la modificación del modelo de 360º neutrónico del Tokamak de ITER. Presentada por Pablo Martínez Albertos, bajo la dirección de Dr. Rafael Juarez, Dr. Francisco Ogando. 2019


Diseño de las herramientas para remplazar remotamente los PCPs de la instalación IFMIF­DONES, presentada por Jorge Playán. 2020


El problema de la corrosión en los reactores de Fusión: estudio bibliográfico y nuevas instalaciones experimentales, presentada por Álvaro Rodríguez Olmos bajo la dirección de Elisabetta Carella. 2020


Estudio de la aceleración de la convergencia en el transporte de fotones en cálculos según la metodología D1Spresentada por Víctor López Ochoa, bajo la dirección de Patrick Sauvan. 2020.


Simulaciones virtuales y planificador de trayectorias en el área del Beam Dump de la instalación IFMIF­DONES. Presentada por Rocío Berros. 2020