Fifth monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project Quinta reunión de seguimiento del proyecto LIFE DRY4GAS - Proyecto LIFE DRY4GAS
The 13th and 14th of June 2022 took place the fifth monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project by the external monitor of NEEMO. The meeting, organized by CIEMAT as project coordinator in collaboration with ESAMUR as host, was celebrated presently in Murcia. Representatives of all the partners attended the meeting showing the advances performed during the last year.
The 13th of June a visit to the DRY4GAS prototype installations in the WWTP of San Javier was carried out, where the state of the prototype and the advances done in the dryer of CIEMAT and in the heat recovery part, including the combustion chamber of AITESA and the ORC of RANK, where first hand known.
The 14th of June a meeting was held in the facilities of ESAMUR in Murcia, where the advances in the different project actions were shown and the necessity of asking for a project extension was commented in order to fulfil all the tasks and foreseen objectives. The project is progressing satisfactorily, but it has suffered several delays in the supply of components and in the construction of the gasifier.