LIFE-DRY4GAS project in LIFE AMIA Conference

On May 17th, the LIFE AMIA project organised the Conference entitled “Tratamiento avanzado de aguas residuales para reutilización de agua en agricultura” in the offices of CEBAS-CSIC in Murcia.

In the Conference, several aspects related to the removal of micropollutants and pathogenics, microalgae application and several innovative processes for the treatment of waste water will be presented. Furthermore, the event is also a networking activity with other LIFE projects in the field.

Virginia Pérez, coordinator of the project and member of the Thermal Conversion Processes Unit of CEDER-CIEMAT, will present the LIFE-DRY4GAS project, stating the proposed technology for the management of sewage sludge in Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP).

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