LIFE-DRY4GAS in the event of sewage sludge by ATEGRUS LIFE-DRY4GAS en el evento de lodos de depuradora de ATEGRUS - Proyecto LIFE DRY4GAS
LIFE-DRY4GAS in the technical conference of sewage sludge by ATEGRUS
On October 19th, the technical conference on sewage sludge management and energetic valorisation organized by ATEGRUS, took place at the same time that SMAGUA 2021 exhibition, celebrated in the Zaragoza Trade Fair.
Different topics related to management and energetic valorisation of sewage sludge were studied. Other questions like sewage sludge legislation and opportunities related to circular economy were discussed. On the other hand, innovative technologies for the recovery and use of sewage sludge were presented.
Virginia Pérez, member of the Thermal Conversion Processes Unit of CEDER-CIEMAT, presented the LIFE-DRY4GAS project. In her exposition, she described the main technologies of the project, whose aim is to reduce the environmental impact of the conventional sewage sludge management. Photos of the progress of the construction of the demonstrative prototype, implemented in the waste water treatment plant (WWTP) of San Javier, Murcia, were shown.
Furthermore, Virginia Pérez, took part in a round table discussion with other speakers at the conference, where they discussed current aspects of sewage sludge. Some of the topics discussed were the social and environmental problems associated with sewage sludge that complicate its valorisation within the circular economy; technological advances to reduce the pollutants of the sludge; the determination of viruses, like COVID 19, in sewage sludge; or the use of alternative methods to agricultural applications in the medium and long term.