LIFE-DRY4GAS project in the 28th e-EUBCE El proyecto LIFE-DRY4GAS en 28ª edición de e-EUBCE - Proyecto LIFE DRY4GAS
The 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) was held virtually, due to the COVID-19 crisis, from 6th to 9th July 2020.
In this edition the EUBCE has expanded its portfolio from energy related biomass production and conversion of bio-based feedstock to other sectors of the bioeconomy and has integrated the bioeconomy’s role in the post-pandemic economic recovery.
David Peña, member of the Thermal Conversion Processes Unit of CEDER-CIEMAT, carried out an oral presentation entitled “Sewage sludge solar drying and gasification at pilot scale for CHP” in the session “2BO.2: Innovative Integrated Gasification Systems Modelling and Demonstration” on Tuesday 7th of July. A resume of LIFE-DRY4GAS project and the main results of preliminary solar drying and gasifying tests of sewage sludge carried out in pilot plants at CEDER-CIEMAT were presented, as a previous step to the design of the prototype that will be installed in the waste water treatment plant (WWTP) located in San Javier (Murcia, Spain).
The chairperson during this session was Wiebren De Jong, from the University of Technology of Delft (The Netherlands). Three additional presenters from the University of Messina, ENEA and UniMORE, all of them from Italy, participated also in this session, with a final discussion opened to questions of the audience.