DT Electronics - CMS experiment
CMS DT Electronics (CMSDTE)
- CIEMAT activities
- CMS DT Electronics description
- CMSDTE Publications
- CMSDTE Conferences
- CMSDTE Technical Reports
- CMSDTE TFM and Thesis
- Useful links
CIEMAT group has participated in the CMS DT electronics since its conception. Our responsibilities were focused in the readout electronics, although it expanded into other electronics activities since we have been in charge of the DT electronics group coordination for a large fraction of the CMS lifetime.
The CMS DT readout electronics is in charge of the time digitization of the DT chambers signals and consequente data transmission. It is divided in several stages that aggregate the information from lower layers up to the central CMS data acquisition system. The first two levels of the DT electronics chain are the ROB (Read Out Board) and the ROS (Read Out Server) and they have been designed and produced at CIEMAT.
ROB (Read Out Board)
ROS25 (Read Out Server 25 channels board)
Minicrate (MiC1)
The Drift Tube electronics receives the signals from the anode wires through the Front End Boards (FEB) which are located inside the chamber gas volume. The FEB amplifies, shapes and discriminates the chamber signals and forwards them to the two electronic chains, the DT readout and the DT trigger.
DT read-out electronics is designed to perform time measurement of the chamber signals that will allow the reconstruction of charged particle tracks and precise momentum measurement. A large fraction of this electronics has been designed and built at CIEMAT and information can be found at the DT electronics web page. There are several levels of data merging in order to achieve a read-out of the full detector at a Level-1 trigger rate of 100 kHz.
Schematich view of the DT detector readout chain.
First elements are the ROBs (Read Out Boards), based on the ASIC HPTDC (High Performance Time to Digital Converter), that perform the time digitization of the hits and assign them to the Level 1 trigger. They transmit their data through a ~30 meter copper link to the 60 ROS (Read Out Server) boards located in the tower racks in the cavern. ROS boards are in charge of merging the information from one sector and perform several tasks of data reduction and data quality monitoring. Each sector event is retransmitted through an optical link to the DDU (Device Dependent Unit) boards located in the counting room. The DDU boards merge data from up to 12 ROS to build an event fragment and send it to the global CMS data acquisition system through an output at 320 MBps.
One of the key features of the DT system is its robust and reliable trigger system, with precise bunch crossing assignment. (BX stands for bunch crossing, and refers to each 25 ns unit time in which collisions may occur in CMS.) This trigger system is based on the Mean-timer algorithm and allows reconstructing tracks from the drift time measurements. For each BX the DT local trigger system provides up to two trigger segments per chamber in the Ф view, and one in the q view. In the Ф view, each trigger segment is associated with the following quantities: the BX, at which the corresponding muon candidate was produced; the position and direction in the local coordinate system of the chamber; a quality word describing how many aligned DT hits were found; and a bit flagging the segment as a first or second candidate, ordered according to their assigned quality. One set of such quantities is called a “trigger primitive”.
The trigger algorithm that provides the trigger primitives in the Ф view works in three logical steps that are sketched below. The Bunch and Track Identifiers (BTIs) search for track segment candidates made of three or four aligned DT hits within a SL in every BX. Each candidate is processed by the Track Correlators (TRACOs), which search for a proper angular matching between the candidates from the two SLs in each chamber. TRACO candidates are then sent to the Trigger Server, which performs a ghost-suppression mechanism and then selects the two trigger primitives with the highest quality.
These two trigger primitives are sent to the Sector collector boards located in the CMS tower racks. They perform trigger synchronization and send the encoded information of position, transverse momentum and track quality through high-speed optical links to the DT Regional Trigger in the counting room. The Regional Trigger builds full muon tracks and forwards the best four muon candidates to the CMS Global Muon Trigger where information is combined with that of the other muon detectors.
The main components of the DT local trigger in the Ф view of a muon chamber. The BTIs detect hit alignments within each Superlayer, the TRACOs search for proper matching between SLs and the Trigger Server selects the best two candidates in the chamber and applies a ghost-suppression algorithm.
The electronics described here is the original design from CMS with which we have been taking data during LHC physics production program called Run 1 (from 2009 to 2013). Successive upgrades in the following years are modifying this system and this are described in the DT upgrade pages.
The list of publications from the CMS group can be found in this link http://cms.ciemat.es/documentation. Here we detail the list of publications related with the activities of the CIEMAT group working in CMS electronics and upgrade.
- "Study of the effects of radiation on the CMS Drift Tubes Muon Detector for the HL-LHC"
Journal reference: JINST 14 C12010 (2019). DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/14/12/C12010
Report number: CMS CR-2019/159
- “The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Muon Detectors” CMS Collaboration. February 2018. CERN-LHCC-2017-012, CMS-TDR-016
- “Phase 1 upgrade of the CMS drift tubes read-out system” CMS Collaboration. JINST 12 (2017) no.03, C03070.
- “CMS Technical Design Report for the Level-1 Trigger Upgrade.” CMS Collaboration. CERN-LHCC-2013-011 ; CMS-TDR-12. June 18th, 2013.
- “The performance of the CMS muon detector in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV at the LHC.” CMS Collaboration. JINST 8 (2013) P11002. arXiv:1306.6905. June, 2013.
- “Low-cost, high-precision propagation delay measurement of 12-fibre MPO cables for the CMS DT Electronics Upgrade.” A. Navarro-Tobar, C. Fernández-Bedoya, I. Redondo. 2013 JINST 8 C02001. February, 2013.
- “Technical proposal for the upgrade of the CMS detector through 2020.” CMS Collaboration. June 2nd, 2011. CERN-LHCC-2011-006 ; CMS-UG-TP-1 ; LHCC-P-004
- “The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC.” CMS Collaboration. Aug 2008. 361 pp. JINST 3 (2008) S08004.
- "The CMS Barrel Muon Trigger upgrade ̈ CMS Collaboration. JINST 12 (2017) no.01, C01095
- "CMS Drift Tubes Sector Collector Relocation Phase 1 Upgrade." C. F. Bedoya et all. CMS DN-2015/011. March 2015.
- “CMS DT Upgrade: the sector collector relocation” CMS Collaboration. JINST 11 (2016) no.02, C02046
- "Second level of the CMS Drift Tubes read out system: the ROS (Read Out Server)." C. F. Bedoya, P. Arce, J. M. Cela, M. C. Fouz, M. I. Josa, J. Marin, J. Molina, J. C. Oller, I. Redondo, C. Willmott. CMS NOTE XXX.
- "First level of the CMS Drift Tubes read out system: the ROB (Read Out Board)." C. F. Bedoya, J. M. Cela, J. Marin, J. C. Oller, C. Willmott. CMS NOTE XXX.
- "Simulation studies for the read-out electronics of the CMS Muon Drift Tubes detectors." P. Arce, M. Cerrada, C. F. Bedoya, J. Molina, C. Willmott. CMS IN-2009/014 2009.
- "Fine synchronization of the CMS muon drift tubes local trigger." M. Aldaya et al. NIM A. Vol 564 May, 2006.
- "Results of the First Integration Test of the CMS Drift Tubes Muon Trigger." M. Bontenackels et al. May, 2006. CMS NOTE 2006/072
- "Fine synchronization of the muon drift tubes local trigger." M. Aldaya et al. January, 2006. CMS NOTE 2006/002
- "Electronics for the CMS Muon Drift Tube Chambers: The Read-Out Minicrate." C. F. Bedoya et al.. IEEE Transanctions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 52 NO. 4. August, 2005
- "Some Results on the DT Local Muon trigger performance from the 2003 Testbeam." J. Caballero et al. September, 2004. CMS IN 2004/035
- "Bunched beam test of the CMS drift tubes local muon trigger." P. Arce et al. NIM A. Vol 534 August, 2004.
- "Test beam analysis of the first CMS drift tube muon chamber." C. Albajar et al. NIM A. Vol. 525. January, 2004.
- "Test Beam Analysis of the First CMS MB2 Drift Tube Muon Chamber." Cerrada M., Colino N., de la Cruz B., Fernández C., Fouz M.C., Josa I., Puerta J., Romero L., Willmott C. et al. January, 2003. CMS NOTE 2003/007
ICHEP2020: 40th International Conference on High Energy Physics. "A muon tracking algorithm for Level 1 trigger in the CMS barrel muon chambers during HL-LHC." J. León Holgado. Poster. Virtual. July 28th - August 6th 2020.
CTD2020: 6th International Workshop "Connecting the Dots". "A muon tracking algorithm for Level 1 trigger in the CMS barrel muon chambers during HL-LHC." J. León Holgado. Poster. April 22-24, 2020. Princeton, NJ, Virtual.
IEEE-NSSMIC2019: 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC). “Studies and validation of a CMS Drift Tube trigger algorithm for HL-LHC”. Poster. Camilo Carrillo Montoya. , 26 Oct-2 Nov 2019, Manchester (United Kingdom)
TWEPP2019: Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. “The OBDT board: A prototype for the Phase 2 Drift Tubes on detector electronics.” Parallel. Javier Sastre Alvaro. 2-6 Sep 2019, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- Bienal RSEF: XXXVIIth Biennal Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics (RSEF). "A new trigger algorithm for the upgrade of the CMS Drift Tube Detector at the HL-LHC." Oral. J. León Holgado. Univ. Zaragoza and CSIC. (Spain). July 15-19, 2019.
- Bienal RSEF: XXXVIIth Biennal Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics. (RSEF). "Radiation Aging studies of the CMS DT Muon Detector" D. Redondo Ferrero, Univ. Zaragoza and CSIC. (Spain). July 15-19, 2019.
- ICDA-3: 3rd International Conference on Dosimetry and Applications. "Irradiation Aging of the CMS DT Muon Detector." Oral (Parallel). D. Redondo Ferrero. Tecnico Lisbon (Portugal). May 27-31, 2019.
- CDT/WIT 2019: Connecting the Dots/ Intelligent Trackers 2019. "Firmware oriented trigger algorithm for CMS Drift Tubes in HL-LHC". Oral (Plenary). S. Goy. IFIC, Valencia (Spain). April 2-5, 2019
- TWEPP2018: Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. "Electronics Developments for Phase-2 Upgrade of CMS Drift Tubes.". A. Triossi. Antwerp (Belgium). Sept. 17-21, 2018.
- TWEPP2018: Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. "CMS Drift Tubes readout Phase 1 upgrade." A. Navarro Tobar. Poster. Antwerp (Belgium). Sept. 17-21, 2018.
- ACES2018: Sixth Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop for LHC upgrades. "The Drift Tubes Test Stand for Phase-2 Upgrade". A, Triossi. Poster. April 24-26, 2018. Geneva, Switzerland.
- XXXV Bienal de la RSEF: XXXV Reunion Bienal de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica, "Radiation background study of the CMS Drift Tube chambers at the LHC." M. Barrio. Oral. July 13-17th, 2015, Universidad de Oviedo, Gijon (Spain)
IMFP16, XLIV International Meeting on Fundamental Physics. “LHC upgrades (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb)” C. F. Bedoya. UAM/CSIC, Madrid, Spain. April 7th 2016.
- VII CPAN Days. “CIEMAT Technologies for Particle Physics and Astroparticles.” C. F. Bedoya. Diciembre 1-3, 2015. Segovia, Spain.
V CPAN Days. “Upgrade plans for LHC detectors.” C. F. Bedoya. November 25th-27th 2013. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
ECFA High Luminosity LHC Experiments Workshop 2013. “Longevity and Expected Performance of the Existing Muon Systems at the LHC Experiments” P. Iengo, P. Dupieux, C. F. Bedoya, G. Lanfranchi. Coauthor. Aix-les- Bains, France. October, 2013.
- Póster: “Phase 1 upgrade of the CMS drift tubes read-out system”, A. Navarro-Tobar et al., Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 12, C03070 (2017)
- Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP), Lisboa (Portugal), 28 septiembre – 2 octubre 2015
- Presentación: “CMS DT upgrade: the sector collector relocation”, A. Navarro-Tobar and C. Fernández-Bedoya on behalf of the CMS collaboration, Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 11, C02046 (2016)
- 2014 TIPP'14. International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 2-6, 2014.
- Poster: "ROB performance in a high luminosity scenario" Cristina F. BEDOYA, José Manuel CELA RUIZ, Álvaro NAVARRO TOBAR, Ignacio REDONDO FERNÁNDEZ, Carlos WILLMOTT ZAPPACOSTA
- Proceedings: "ROB performance in a high luminosity scenario" Cristina F. BEDOYA, José Manuel CELA RUIZ, Álvaro NAVARRO TOBAR, Ignacio REDONDO FERNÁNDEZ, Carlos WILLMOTT ZAPPACOSTA. PoS (TIPP2014) 379
- 2012 TWEPP 2012 Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. Oxford (United Kingdom). September 17-21, 2012.
- Poster: "Low-cost, high-precision propagation delay measurement of 12-fibre MPO cables for the CMS DT Electronics Upgrade" A. Navarro-Tobar, C. Fernández-Bedoya, I. Redondo on behalf of the CMS DT collaboration.
- JINST publication: "Low-cost, high-precision propagation delay measurement of 12-fibre MPO cables for the CMS DT Electronics Upgrade" A. Navarro-Tobar, C. Fernández-Bedoya, I. Redondo on behalf of the CMS DT collaboration. 2013 JINST 8 C02001
- 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. Valencia (Spain). October 23-29, 2011.
- Proceedings: "Upgrade of the Second Level of the Readout Electronics for the CMS Drift Tubes Subdetector" A. Navarro-Tobar on behalf of the CMS DT collaboration.
- 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. Valencia (Spain). October 23-29, 2011.
- Presentation: "CMS Drift Tubes System during LHC 2010 Operation (ppt) " C. Fernández-Bedoya on behalf of the CMS collaboration.
- Proceedings: "CMS Drift Tubes System during LHC 2010 Operation" C. Fernández-Bedoya on behalf of the CMS collaboration.
- 15th Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Conference. Alushta, Crimea, (Ukraine). May 22-28, 2011.
- Presentation (ppt): "Muon DT Upgrade (ppt)" C. Fernández-Bedoya on behalf of the CMS DT collaboration.
- Proceedings: "Muon DT Upgrade" C. Fernández-Bedoya on behalf of the CMS DT collaboration.
- CMS Achievements Awards 2008.
- Poster (ppt): "Critical contributions to the DT read-out system"
- TWEPP-09. Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. Paris, France. Sept. 21-25, 2009.
- Presentation (ppt): "Commissioning of the CMS DT electronics under magnetic field"
- Proceedings: "Commissioning of the CMS DT electronics under magnetic field" C. Fernández-Bedoya, G. Masetti on behalf of the CMS DT collaboration. Proceedings of TWEPP-09. Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Paris, (France). Sept. 21 - 25, 2009. CERN-2009-006 ISSN 007-8328. ISBN 978-92-9083-335-2. Pag. 81-85.
- TWEPP-07. Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. Prague, Czech Republic. Sept. 2007.
- Presentation (ppt): "CMS DT Chambers Read-Out Electronics"
- Proceedings: "CMS DT Chambers Read-Out Electronics" J.M. Cela, G. Dellacasa, C. Fernandez-Bedoya, J. Marin, V. Monaco, J.C. Oller, P. De Remigis, A. Staiano, C. Willmott. Proceedings of TWEPP-07. Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Prague, (Czech Republic). Sept. 3 - 7, 2007. CERN-2007-007 ISSN 007-8328. ISBN 978-92-9083-304-8. Pag. 190-194.
- XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Orense, España. Sept. 2005.
- Presentation (pdf): "Desarrollo de un sistema de pruebas para la electrÛnica de lectura de las c·maras de deriva del experimento CMS."
- Proceedings: "Desarrollo de un sistema de pruebas para la electrÛnica de lectura de las c·maras de deriva del experimento CMS." C. Fernández, J. Marín, J.C. Oller, C. Willmott. XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Orense, (España). Sept. 2005. ISBN: 84-689-3266-3. Pag. 53-54.
- 2004 IEEE NSS/MIC/SNPS and RTSD. Rome. Italy. October 16-22, 2004.
- Presentation (ppt): "Electronics for the CMS Muon Drift Tube Chambers: the Read-Out Minicrate."
- Proceedings: "Electronics for the CMS Muon Drift Tube Chambers: the Read-Out Minicrate." C. Fernández, J. Marín, J.C. Oller, C. Willmott. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. Rome, (Italy). October 16-22, 2004. ISSN: 1082-3654. ISBN: 0-7803-8701-5LHCC-G-014. Pag. 1309-1313-
- 9th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments. Amsterdam, Holanda. Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2003.
- Presentation (ppt): "Overview of the Read-Out System for the CMS Drift Tube Chambers"
- Proceedings: "Overview of the Read-Out System for the CMS Drift Tube Chambers" C. Fernández-Bedoya, J. Marín, J.C. Oller, C. Willmott. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Electronics for the LHC Experiments (LECC 2003), Amsterdam, (The Netherlands). 29 Sept. - 3 Oct. 2003. CERN-2003-006 CERN-LHCC-2003-055 LHCC-G-061. ISSN: 0007-8328. ISBN: 92-9083-216-9. Pag. 306-310.
- HPTDC Workshop. May 2003.
- Presentation (ppt): "CMS-DT Chambers Read-Out"
- 8th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments. Colmar, France. Sept. 9 - Sept. 13, 2002.
- Poster: "Design and Performance Testing of the Read-Out Boards for the CMS-DT Chambers"
- Proceedings: "Design and Performance Testing of the Read-Out Boards for the CMS-DT Chambers" C. Fernández, J. Alberdi, J. Marín, J.C. Oller, C. Willmott. Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Electronics for the LHC Experiments (LECC 2002), Colmar, (France). Sept. 9 - 13, 2002. CERN 2002-003 CERN-LHCC-2002-34 LHCC-G-014. ISSN: 0007-8328. ISBN: 92-9083-202-9. Pag. 363-367.
CIEMAT Technical Reports
"La electrónica del sistema de inserción del apantallamiento a radiación para las cámaras de deriva de CMS." L. C. Blanco, E. Calvo, J. M. Cela, C. F. Bedoya, D. Francia, J. García Romero, I. Martín Martín, A. Navarro, J. C. Puras, D. Redondo Ferrero, I. Redondo, S. Pulido, V. Salto Parra, J. Sastre, J. Yañez. Informe técnico Ciemat 1458. Diciembre 2019.
"Radiation field and current response characterization during the irradiation of a CMS Drift Tube MB1 Chamber at GIF++." D. D. Redondo, I. Redondo, J. Puerta, C.F. Bedoya. Informe Técnico Ciemat 1445. Diciembre 2018.
"Estudios de actualización del sistema de selección online de sucesos de colisiones protón-protón del experimento CMS para el futuro acelerador High-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) en el CERN." León Holgado, J., Bedoya, C.F.; Cela-Ruíz, J.M.; de Trocóniz, J.F. Informe Técnico Ciemat 1439. Noviembre 2018.
"IPC board operation for electronic validation of optical receiver devices: validation of TwinMux and μROS boards (CMS electronics)." Sastre, J; Fernández, C.; Navarro, A.; Triossi,A. Informe técnico CIEMAT 1392. Diciembre 2016.
"Desarrollo de un Sistema de Pruebas para el Cableado de los Minicrates de la Electrónica de Lectura de las Cámaras de Deriva de CMS." Fernández-Bedoya, C.; Montero, M.; Willmott, C. February, 2004. Informe Técnico CIEMAT 1037.
- "Validation of the Read Out Electronics for the CMS Muon Drift Chambers at Test Beam in CERN/GIF." Fernández-Bedoya, C.; Fouz, M.C.; Marín, J.; Oller, J.C.; Willmott, C.; Amigo, L.J. December, 2002. Informe Técnico CIEMAT 1010.
- “Estudios de actualización del sistema de selección online de sucesos de colisiones protón-protón del experimento CMS para el futuro acelerador High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) en el CERN.” Jaime León Holgado. June 25th, 2018.
- "Diseño del sistema de blindaje de protección radioactiva del colisionador CMS: Utillaje para su instalación y procedimiento para el transporte hasta el colisionador en el CERN." Sergio Pulido Ferrero. July 2018.
- "Diseño, construcción y validación del sistema de adquisición de datos de las cámaras de deriva del experimento CMS." Fernández-Bedoya, Cristina Madrid, 2010.
- "Diseño y caracterización de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos para la electrónica de las cámaras de muones del experimento CMS." Fernández-Bedoya, Cristina Curso 2002 - 2003. Proyecto de Investigación de Tercer ciclo. doc
- Presentation (ppt): "Diseño y caracterización de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos para la electrónica de las cámaras de muones del experimento CMS." Fernández-Bedoya, Cristina Curso 2002 - 2003. Defensa Proyecto de Investigación de Tercer ciclo.
- Pablo Jimenez Rubio. 2018-2019
- María Verónica Pastor Villarrubia. 2019-2020.
It is worth mentioning that this list of links is rather old... but perhaps useful!
- CMS external home page.
- iCMS page.
- CMSDOC web page.
- CMS Hypernews.
- Padova Electronics home page.
- MAD home page.
- Martinelli's documents.
- Martinelli's files mirror.
- L. Castellani home page.
- Bologna Minicrates Assembly Site.
- Bologna Muon Trigger Group.
- Electronics for CMS Drift Tubes in Torino OLD??.
- CMS Drift Tubes in Torino.
- HEPHY Vienna Trigger web page.
- TTC System at CERN.
- CERN Digital Microelectronics Group. HPTDC Documentation.
- CERN Digital Microelectronics Group. QPLL Documentation.
- CERN Digital Microelectronics Group. GOL Documentation.
- Versatile Link Project.
- F. Montecassiano. Integration documentation web page.
- EMDB. CMS traceability.
- Bally CMS Cabling Database.
- PH-ESS Group. LHC rack monitoring.
- PH-ESE CAEN, Wiener,etc
- DT Chamber Commissioning OLD.
- DT Chamber Commissioning NEW!!!.